Find Your Blue Ocean: Create New Markets Instead of Fighting for Old Ones

This seeming existential crisis is actually a moment of huge opportunity. You just need to rethink the decades-old audience development playbook—and find your Blue Ocean.

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What’s your change readiness score?
Ruth Hartt Ruth Hartt

What’s your change readiness score?

For arts organizations faced with audience declines, there's a lot of pressure to recalibrate. But how ready is your organization for change? And how long will that change take?

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Fear mongering or fact? 4 reasons why now is different.
Ruth Hartt Ruth Hartt

Fear mongering or fact? 4 reasons why now is different.

There’s a persistent contingent in the arts who believe that calls for change are unwarranted.

“We’ve been told for years that arts patrons are disappearing,” they say, “but they never really do.”

Here are four reasons why now is different.

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The for-profit sector is winning this game
Ruth Hartt Ruth Hartt

The for-profit sector is winning this game

Deeply understanding the customer by regularly gathering customer insights has become a high-stakes game. And it’s a game that the for-profit sector is currently winning. How does the arts and culture sector compare?

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6 ways to combat resistance to change
Ruth Hartt Ruth Hartt

6 ways to combat resistance to change

Leadership buy-in is crucial before real change can occur at any arts organization. On your quest to shift hearts and minds, here are six tactics to consider.

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Start here to go viral
Ruth Hartt Ruth Hartt

Start here to go viral

"People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole." This adage is often employed to illustrate a foundational concept in sales and marketing. But if you’re trying to sell a drill, knowing your customer wants to achieve a hole won’t get you very far.

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