Tools to make your work easier and infinitely more effective
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High-impact, time-saving tools to boost revenue and relevance
Customer Centricity Assessment
Is egocentric marketing driving away your potential patrons? Get your customer centricity score and uncover key shifts for moving beyond a product-centric mindset.
Free Resource
Customer-Centric Marketing Checklist
Explore 18 easy and actionable recommendations for a more relevant, relatable approach to arts marketing.
Free Resource
The Marketing Funnel Webinar
Get clear on the customer journey and how it informs effective marketing strategy.
Free Resource
Vital Signs
Your audience health monitor
How urgently is change needed at your organization? Calculate your annual reduction rate and compound annual growth rate. Benchmark your org against the industry and forecast your audience size 10 years into the future.
Free Resource
Forward Factor
Is your arts organization ready for change? Find out with this quick assessment. Get your change readiness score and discover what change of pace is right for your organization.
Free Resource
100 Prompts
100+ plug-and-play strategies to help you craft outcome-focused, relevant marketing that speaks to a broader audience. See what customer centricity looks like here.
Price: $19
Arts Marketing Hall of Fame
Your arts marketing think tank. Join 400+ arts leaders around the world getting a daily curation of outstanding arts marketing + monthly masterclasses.
Starts at $4.17/month
Warning Signs: Audience Trends 1982-2022
Show your team this report outlining 40 years of audience declines, and spark the motivation to embrace a bold new direction.
Sourced from 4 decades of National Endowment for the Arts data
Price: $24
Audience Unlocked
Your instant-access, full-scope market analysis, Audience Unlocked is packed with data-driven insights customized for your organization. Discover seven high-potential markets to unlock new growth, with tailored projections for your region.
Price: $399
The High-Impact Homepage
Ditch the events calendar. Create a homepage that showcases your unique value proposition using this customizable Canva template—and starting showing newcomers just how relevant you are!
Price: $39
Patron Survey Template
Standard surveys often miss the mark, asking the wrong questions and gathering surface-level data.
Use this customizable Jotform template to dig deeper for maximum impact.
Price: $19
Audience Alchemy: The Online Course
Discover proven customer-centric strategies that drive engagement and fill seats. This six-week self-paced course offers actionable insights, customized tools, and a clear framework to help arts leaders achieve meaningful, lasting growth. Plus a cohort of likeminded peers for support and inspiration.
Starts at $564
Bespoke Workshop
Align your team on the urgency for change and the power of customer centricity. Designed to deliver immediate value, these sessions are perfect for organizations seeking impactful, results-driven learning without a long-term commitment.
Audience Alchemy: A Strategic Partnership
A guided transformation to customer centricity, equipping your organization with customized, actionable strategies to engage audiences and drive growth.