Community outreach that pays

Arts organizations, the working parents in your communities are an untapped source of revenue. Why? They're desperate to find childcare for their school-aged children on half days and vacation days.

How do I know this? Because I'm a working parent with an 8-year-old. On half days, the after school program is…closed. Insane, right? Just when working parents need it most!

I’m lucky to work from home. But without family nearby or a regular babysitter on call, I often find myself plopping my child in front of the TV while I’m on a work call or getting a project done. This is typically the only way I can guarantee that I won’t be disturbed.

What I wouldn’t give for a vacation program that would provide a more educational experience than binging on cartoons. And I’m not alone in this. Not by a longshot.

The most lucrative innovations are the ones that tap into a consumer's "job to be done"—a need that they're facing in a particular circumstance. And the working parents in your community have a real need.

Talk about reclaiming relevance. It doesn’t get more community centric than this.

As you think about who your target customers are, don’t forget working parents and their children. We have a pain point that you might be able to help us with. And we would be forever grateful if you did.

(Know of any arts organizations who offer half day camps and vacation week camps? Let me know in the comments or send me a message.)

Ruth Hartt

Former opera singer Ruth Hartt leverages interdisciplinary insights to champion the arts, foster inclusivity, and drive change.

Currently serving as Chief of Staff at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, Ruth previously spent nearly two decades in the arts sector as an opera singer, choral director, and music educator.

Merging 23 years of experience in the cultural and nonprofit sectors—including six years’ immersion in innovation frameworks—Ruth helps arts organizations rethink audience development and arts marketing through a customer-centric lens.

Learn more here.


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