Before you pull the trigger on that gorgeous video ad

Before you pull the trigger on that gorgeous video ad; before you click "send" on that brilliant social media campaign; ask yourself one simple question:

Will our Outsiders care? Or is this only meant for our Insiders?

Because if your Outsiders don't know anything about the art you're describing, or aren't familiar with the artist whose image you're featuring, or can't connect with the content because they don't have context for itβ€”

it won't grow your audiences one bit.

Ruth Hartt

Former opera singer Ruth Hartt leverages interdisciplinary insights to champion the arts, foster inclusivity, and drive change.

Currently serving as Chief of Staff at the Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, Ruth previously spent nearly two decades in the arts sector as an opera singer, choral director, and music educator.

Merging 23 years of experience in the cultural and nonprofit sectorsβ€”including six years’ immersion in innovation frameworksβ€”Ruth helps arts organizations rethink audience development and arts marketing through a customer-centric lens.

Learn more here.


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